Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Dove wants to know...

Dovemovement.com wants to know... "What do you wish you'd known at 13...?"
Seriously? I'd like to have known so many things. Like... It's okay to be pretty AND smart! A teenage boy will tell you anything he thinks you want to hear! Boys will put you on a pedestal so they can watch you fall off... Girls can be mean; some of them may always be... but, deep down they are just as scared as you are. At 13... some men have difficulty realizing you are still a child... If you have a dream, follow it! Don't wait for someone to give you permission to be 'you'! Contrary to what my well intended relatives (who lived through the Great Depression...) said, there will, most likely, always be food and I didn't have to eat EVERYTHING they put on my plate! Skinny people are unhappy, too!
The good thing is... I know these things now!